The current trend in global health funding and economic development, increases national wealth of a nation. as an important topic, it can’t be neglected while discussing the world economic development. There are a lot of factors, that affect health and economic development in the world economy. Health matters to every nation of the world. different countries have different health economic development programs, that affect world health economic development.
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Understanding Global Health FundingÂ
With the effect of astronomical increase in national wealth of a nation. This is measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on its public health. As it is now clear and well understood, by all and sundry. It is a well-established fact that there is an existing relationship, between improvement in health and economic growth. Various communicable diseases such as HIV, TB, Malaria, COVID-19. And other neglected Tropical Diseases, are depressing economic development in many of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable populations.
Lack Of Global Health Funding And Economic DevelopmentÂ
This is a serious case as sickness and diseases have the size, population. The capabilities of the workforce in these countries, from having an impact on their health and economic development. There is a denial of access to better education. It is caused by the serious impact on the health and economic development, regarding the poor developing countries. However, It also causes depressing foreign investments (FDI) and development. In these countries hence most foreign investors are running away from investing in these countries.
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 Investing In Global Health Funding And Economic DevelopmentÂ
Practically there are clear evidence by investing in health improvements. This is a significant increase in GDP per capital income. However, it can directly be achieved in three different ways.
This is achievable things that can be attained, when healthier populations are more economically productive.
This is explained through proactive healthcare. And it can lead to a decrease in many addictive healthcare costs. However, associated with lack of care.
By providing a meaningful representation, which can improve health. This represents a real economic and development outcome, and in the final proof of our point. However, One can conclude that healthcare spending capitalises on the Keynesian ‘economic multiplier’ effect.
This Is understood and estimated, which ten million children die in low-income countries. It defines the gross of a national income (GNI) ,which is less than USD 1,005. When we use the World Bank Atlas Method in drawing a calculation every year. Many disease and death seen in the African countries, or other poorest countries in other continents. It should be controlled and achieved with less expensive medicines. Simple intervention (treatment), and the provision of access to bed nets and good drinking water.
However, the estimate of about 99% of women die every day from disease. It could have been prevented during pregnancy and childbirth. In most of these poor nations, especially in Africa and Asian countries. This is quite alarming regarding the rate of maternal death keeps increasing rapidly in most of the poor nations part of the world.
Economic development is very low, and per capital income is very low. most people in Africa make less than one dollar a day. And as such they are not able to access most essential things in life. This essential are the likes food, drugs and medicine, intervention, good health, etc.
This most times can be blamed on the government of these countries, who must have looted their nation’s national reserve out of greed, corruption. However, the gross per domestic income has fallen so much, that most people in these parts of the world are not able to feed three square meal a day. The outcome is the infestation of communicable diseases such as cholera, TB, HIV/AIDS etc, as people are not able to afford medicine as evidence show that there is no good national and healthcare planning in these poor region part of the world.
Bad Leadership In Financing Global Health FundingÂ
There is economic depression in most of the underdeveloped parts of the world, especially Africa and Asia. The people elects bad leaders, who are only interested in their pockets and bank accounts. Some leaders are so corrupt that they have looted most of their countries’ national reserves as the result. What some are experiencing, is an empty national treasury. Once there is a downfall in the national reserve, the poor people are the ones to suffer it as per capital income is almost zero.
However, Bad leadership brings unemployment, as youth are graduating from ill-funded universities, they have no jobs as a consequence the people are not able to access the national healthcare program.Bad leadership leads to bad economic and national healthcare programs as such which left poverty, diseases, hunger, lack of electricity, hospitals, good roads, and water. These factors affect global economic healthcare funding as people are not able to access funds to better their lives and health.
Robert F. Kennedy once said in his own words ‘’ GNP does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of public officials…. It measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile’’
Economic consideration on Global Health FundingÂ
There are global financial crises as there is inequality among nations and people of the world, Many have done this as a result of economic hardship. While the developing world economy is somewhat better of more than other underdeveloped countries of the world.
However, one can say that poor countries are suffering more in this economic crisis. Most countries are not able to provide its citizens the basic life amenities, such as food, basic education, light and electricity, good healthcare, medicines and drugs and good water. Developed nation are also in this economic crisis, and inflation is the other of the day as prices of goods and services had skyrocketed. However, Inflation is a global trend, though the level of inflation in most underdeveloped countries is nothing good to talk about as many have died of hunger, disease infestation, etc.
Therefore, the effect of the astronomical increase in national wealth of a nation, is measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). On its public health as it is now clear and well understood by all and sundry. It is a well-established fact that there is an existing relationship between improvement in health and economic growth. Various communicable diseases such as HIV, TB, Malaria, COVID-19, and other neglected Tropical Diseases are depressing economic development in many of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable populations. This is a serious case as sickness and diseases have a strong effect on the size, population, and capabilities of the workforce in these countries having an impact on their health and economic development.
Africa and Asia are some of the world’s poorest countries and in these countries, there is bad economic planning, low income per capita, bad healthcare, hunger, and diseases while in the developed countries there is better healthcare provision , though inflation affects almost all parts of the world the developed nations are better off as its citizens enjoy better healthcare and the provision of good and quality education, enjoyable and better-paid jobs and the provision of better life amenities.